Review of smoking pills

smoking pills

Smoking is an addiction that causes addiction. Smokers are at risk of developing neurosis as well as cardiovascular disease. In addition, they endanger the people around them, and especially their family members. The best way to get rid of this disease are smoking pills.

The desire to get rid of tobacco addiction forces a person to the most extreme measures: use the methods of traditional medicine, hypnosis. But all this can be completely ineffective, and the effect of hypnosis on the human body can be extremely dangerous.

Some choose to smoke e-cigarettes, which are actually just as harmful. There is a risk of buying substandard electronic cigarettes, which can be explosive, which can lead to eye injuries.

Types of smoking cessation pills

All smoking cessation drugs can be divided into several types:

  • nicotine substitutes;
  • sedatives;
  • disgusting.

It is difficult to single out an effective drug for any group. For each organism, one or the other drug is more appropriate. In this case, the motivation of the person is no less important, only it will make the smoker start taking pills.

Nicotine substitutes

These are drugs that contain cytisine from the class of alkaloids, the composition of which is similar to nicotine, so they can be a great alternative to quitting smoking.

When a person tries to smoke, nausea occurs in the form of nausea, as if from too much smoking. Over time, the effect of this smoking cessation drug becomes stronger. The smoker starts smoking significantly fewer cigarettes and soon stops altogether. The drug can completely replace smoking, because the body receives analog substances, so it does not suffer.

Smoking tablets have contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

Possible side effects of smoking pills:

  • dry mouth, stool problems;
  • nervousness, insomnia, headache;
  • increased heart rate;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • allergy;
  • increase in blood pressure.

An important plus is that this drug is cheap, which means that it is available to a large number of people.

Drug overdose can cause symptoms:

  • convulsions;
  • vomit;
  • paralysis of the respiratory system;
  • headache.


Antidepressants affect the human brain. The smoker after taking these pills experiences a feeling of euphoria due to the production of the hormone dopamine.

Sedatives are the most effective means of combating depression as a result of nicotine withdrawal. They will not be able to replace nicotine in the body, so the action will only be a temporary help.

This method is necessary for people who smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day, because the damage caused by nicotine can be harmful to the body.

The prices of this medicine are quite high, it can be considered a minus of the medicine. It is prescribed only.

Contraindications include the fact that if you get rid of smoking, you can become addicted to drugs.

Smoking tablets have no side effects, only in some cases individual intolerance to the components can be noticed.

Before treatment you need to study the methods of taking the drug, overdose can have a number of negative consequences:

  • indigestion;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • decrease in body temperature.

Bitan! Scientists have proven that a person who smokes is 50% more likely to die than a dangerous roulette player.

Means of an aversive nature

There is an effect on brain receptors with the help of varenicline. In this way, it blocks a person's desire to smoke. The creators of this tool have been awarded a significant prize in the field of medicine.

A huge number of people have managed to quit smoking with the help of these drugs, and many have suffered from addiction for years.

There are contraindications that you must take into account when choosing a drug:

  • allergic reaction to drug components;
  • kidney disease;
  • underage age;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding.

It is quite difficult to trace the side effects of a nicotine addiction drug. After all, it can easily be confused with the side effects of smoking cessation. These include: general weakness, irritability, weight gain.

Sedatives from this group contain oat extract. Thanks to this extract, it has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, as a result of which the desire to smoke is reduced. The advantage of the drug is that the withdrawal takes place in stages. This is an American medicine, whose name speaks for itself.

The drug does not harm the human body, but on the contrary, improves the condition of the respiratory system, liver and stomach.

Side effects:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • cardiopalmus.

Only pregnancy and breastfeeding differ from contraindications. In some cases, there may be intolerance to the components.

Thai pills are used as a means of quitting smoking, which contain many herbs that can cause aversion to cigarettes in a person. According to the manufacturers themselves, the composition is completely natural, and the tablets have no contraindications. It is produced in the form of small peas.

Even the best smoking cessation medications will not help if the person is completely unmotivated and willpower. With the help of pills, you can only strengthen the result of your own struggle. In addition, the medicinal herbs in the composition of the tablets participate in cleansing the body of accumulated toxins.


Smoking cessation sedatives help a person cope with stress and depressed mood. This is done so that those who quit smoking do not have many temptations to return to the bad habit.

After patients took sedatives, it was observed:

  • Improved sleep;
  • Good mood.

Medications have some side effects:

  • Severe headache;
  • increased libido;
  • nausea, vomiting.

The most known contraindications for admission:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • component intolerance.

Under the age of 18, this drug is not recommended for smoking cessation. In adolescence, smokers have not yet developed such a degree of nicotine dependence that medication is needed. You can give up bad habits with the help of your will.

Bitan! More than 50% of children suffer from secondhand smoke. Due to the negligence of adults, they can get serious diseases!

What changes in the body after quitting cigarettes

giving up cigarettes with pills
  1. Within 12 hours, after rejection, respiration begins to recover;
  2. The cough, which often occurs in smokers, gradually stops;
  3. The blood is saturated with oxygen;
  4. Initially, the person begins to suffer due to the fact that harmful toxins leave his body. After the first week, the unpleasant odor disappears from the oral cavity;
  5. In 3 weeks the body is almost 100% free of harmful toxins;
  6. After 2 days a cough occurs. This causes expectoration of accumulated toxins over the years;
  7. The person starts sweating excessively, but that's even good. This removes harmful substances;
  8. There is a renewal of the gastrointestinal tract;
  9. Blood flow to the brain is normalized, which can cause blood pressure to rise. Frequent walks in the fresh air are important, they help to cope with this condition;
  10. Smells will be felt more clearly, and food will get a fuller taste;
  11. Appetite increases. Everyone who has ever quit smoking has felt it.

To quit smoking, you do not need to rely only on the miraculous properties of the tablet. First of all, one must have a great desire and desire for this goal, so as not to break even in the most difficult moments. Weaning will not happen right away, but by starting the process of intensified struggle, you can deal with this disease.